Strip Card - Sports Party Game

by 2 Dan Good



The classic flavor of the original paper strip cards, now on your phone!**CLASSIC**This is the original paper strip card experience on your phone.Customize it how you want. Its simple with no extra fluff to slow you down.**INTUITIVE**Sporting events are automatically populated and scores are constantly updated. StripCard matches update live throughout the duration of the event so you always know who is currently in the winning slotOkay. But How Does It Work?1. Choose your eventSearch for your favorite upcoming sporting events. All your favorite football, basketball and hockey games are just seconds away. More sports and events are constantly being added.2. Join or Invite Your FriendsPlaying a StripCard is no fun without some competition. Be sure to invite your friends or join one of their StripCards3. Pick Your PlaceChoose your place in the StripCard and wait for the event to begin. The numbers are hidden until the event begins. Enjoy some friendly competition as you watch the game together and hope you are in the winning position!4. Win BigThe winner is automatically tracked and highlighted throughout the duration of the event. We currently use the classic scoring system, the winner is determined by the total score at the end of the game. New sport leagues and events are constantly being added.We also plan to branch out and have multiple scoring systems, reach out and let us know what scoring system you would like to see added!